Monday, October 20, 2008

Tinkering with soda-lime glass

Apparently soda-lime glass is pretty much chemically inert. It also has different absorption characteristics than regular silaca glass(Sio2). 

Sio2 does not absorb UV light but soda-lime will not allow anything below 400nm to be passed.

Another feature is that soda-lime has a fairly low working temperature when compared to Silica or even boro-silicate.

The picture above shows some of the tubes i created. They all cracked at the metal-glass joint since i did not take time to properly anneal the tube. I found that it is much easier to insert electrodes that have a small bead of glass previously prepared. One the tubing is at working temperature i heat the glass bead near working temperature and insert it into the tube. The two bond almost at an instant.

I still have some things to figure out when working with the electrodes. 

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